The documentary titled "We the Tiny House People" was made by Kirsten Dirksen for her channel on youtube (i think its for the channel, don't know if the documentary was for TV somewhere). And I find her channel very interesting where she covers the life of all this people who live in tiny apartments/homes and how they manage that. She also have a websites here.
Previously, I had an entry where I talked about a Lego style Apartment, turn out its from her channel. She also got tons of other video with the same theme. I've list some of the episode which I think is more interesting than the others.
1. Maison garage: old parking as tiny home in Bordeaux, France
From a garage, it is turn into a small yet cozy home. It has everything, even a patio.
2. 16 year old builds tiny home to guarantee mortgage-free future
There's no doubt that he is thinking of his own future, so his parents must be relieved. Do you remember what we did when we're 16? I do - play all the time and not worry about mortgage or anything. It's really amazing what this kid is doing.
3. Simple life Manhattan: a 90-square-foot microstudio
90-square-foot is roughly the size of an MPV (motor power vehicle). Imagine that cramp with your stuff - bed, closet, desk, 'kitchen', bathroom - its hard right? Well this girl has done it.
4. Tiny, Portable, Prefab Cube Shelter
So, thats that. There are lots of others scattered on the internet, feel free to search about them. I''ll probably write again something similar to this in the future. So stay tuned (",)
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